Monday, November 1, 2010

Art Every Day Month, Day 1

Oh, geez.  I'm not sure I should've signed up for this, being the slacker that I am.  But I did.  And here's day 1:

 I worked on this WIP.  I sketched in faces and I sketched in a fix of the hairline of the one on the right.

And I worked on this WIP.  I fixed the face shape, fiddled with the hair length - still unsure about it, decided the neck shouldn't be six feet long and so made the body more proportionate, did a wash to try out bangs...and still can't decide about them.

While teaching a jewelry making class at Rexy's school today,  I whipped out this little bracelet using the kids' beads.  She loved it and was inspired to come home and make more jewelry.

And lastly, I photoshopped these pics today.  The first one is Rexy and I sitting next to our freshly carved pumpkins (which subsequently landed on the cutting room floor); the next two are of my girl in her Halloween princess costume while trick or treating.

Learn about Art Every Day Month here.

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