Thursday, November 8, 2007

Music is My Muse

Art Crusade #14
Tell us about your muse, or your imaginary friend, that motivates, inspires, or influences your art...
Music is my muse.

Music connects to something visceral inside me. I feel it as well as hear it. When I listen to music I am just me. Not a wife, a mother, a niece, a friend - just me. The real, authentic me. It's a heady feeling, one that I wish I could experience more in my world. I sometimes get pretty crabby when it seems that someone is standing in the way of my enjoyment, ie: "Can you turn that down?" or "Is there something else we could listen to?"

I’m always the one in my painting classes that wants the music louder, I have to set up near the stereo or I’m not entirely happy. When I’m painting outside of class, I’m happiest when I’ve got a CD on with songs that I know all the lyrics to. I crank it up so I’m surrounded by the sound and I sing along for all I’m worth. (for the record, I’m a terrible singer) And I move, not full out dancing – just a little bit of bopping to the beat. And while I’m doing that, something wonderful happens; I forget all my insecurities about art and skill and I just paint. The work just streams out of me and time passes unnoticed. In the end I only stop because I have to – have to go somewhere, have to feed someone, have to go to bed so I can get 4 hours of sleep. And when I’m done I’m completely relaxed. Happy and content.
Thank you, Music.

Art Crusade #14, Green Pepper Press Street Team:
On your blog, tell us about your Muse, or your Imaginary friend that motivates or inspires or influences your art. (It doesn't have to be a real person, maybe it's a thing or a place.) Mention Crusade No. 14 in your post, then comment here with a link to your site. Anyone can play so come join us!


Anonymous said...

I hear you Laurie! Crank it up!!! I think you'll find many team friends who agree with you on claiming Music as a Muse because our Make Some Noise Crusade still holds the record for number of participants. I love how you put it - that music makes you feel like yourself. That's exactly it! Thanks for sharing with the team!

MezzoKat said...

Wonderful muse! As a little girl, I sang everywhere I went. I later took voice lessons, and learned that voice control is more a mental than physical process. I'm a little more discreet now about where and when I sing, but there's literally always music weaving it's way around my mind.

Jo Anne O. said...

I can completely identify with music taking you to a different plane! There is one New Age group called Secret Garden that does that to me...I drift somewhere between reality and a dream state when I hear the music and it gives me the most peace that I have ever experienced listening to any music!

Thanks for sharing your muse!

Dieverdog said...

Music can be so inspiring... I know what you mean about always having to have some music on, especially while I work on art. I think I sometimes take it for granted, thanks for reminding me what an important role it can play in the creative process.

Anonymous said...

I am so with you!! music is one of my muses!!
